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  • PT

Águas do Porto

Ferramenta de Onboard com prova de identidade para processar novos contratos


Signing a new contract with "Águas do Porto" has always been a complicated task. To validate the authenticity of the applicant the process would always have to be started in person. To sign the contract, too.

In the documentation validation process there was no digital tool that would allow good communication between the company and the client, nor any way for the client to be updated of the process state.

Our partner, FYI DIGITAL, using the Web SDK integrated Águas do Porto website with onBoard that enables the company today to easily manage the entire hiring process with its clients.

Easy workflow management

On the developers perspective our fully documented SDK makes it easy for any new product development or system integration. 

In this case the onboard module as been embedded into the clients website. Very easy to setup and customize one or several kinds of processes defining all the steps needed to conclude it.

Liveness & Identity Proofing

When it comes to celebrate contracts remotely the biggest issue is identity proof. How to make sure that on the other side is really the person who claims to be.

The services provided by our SDKs have enabled our partner to integrate in the process developed for this customer the confrontation between ID card validation and a selfie with liveness detection.

Our technology can detect patterns that guarantee that an ID card is true and ensure that a photograph is being taken at that very moment with the subject alive.

With this combination, identity is guaranteed.

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Soluções para empresas de todas as formas e tamanhos

Crie apps com os nossos recursos

Veja o que os nossos parceiros já desenvolveram


Registo de ponto com prova de identidade para um registo de trabalho fiável

Workstation Lock

Proteja o seu computador com autenticação por reconhecimento facial.

A prova de identidade torna possível assinar contratos via Whatsapp.